Little Compton Taxpayers
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FY21 Financial Town Meeting At it's June 4, 2020 meeting, the
Town Council decided to conduct the FY21 Financial Town Meeting (FTM) on
June 30, 2020 at 7 PM using an Internet-based Zoom Webinar format. Timing
requirements have dictated the change in date to June 30th as well as
concern that a quorum would not be reached if the FTM were to be held in the
Wilbur & McMahon School gymnasium in accordance with the social distancing
rules and crowd sizes. A quorum in this case is 157 people. Taxpayers who receive an Annual Report from the Budget
Committee will find an ID number printed on the mailer. That is what will be
used to enter the FTM Zoom Webinar. If this fails, the Town Council will
tentatively approve the FY21 budget followed by another FTM at the earliest
opportunity. Note: Taxpayers can also enter the Webinar by telephone. Little Compton has been
conducting FTMs in one form or another for 3 centuries. This will be the
first time that it cannot be done via in-person attendance. The fact that
the Town/State/Country is in an emergency status caused by COVID-19
justifies this departure. Gym Open for Primary Election We asked the Little Compton Town Clerk (Carol Wordell) if the Wilbur & McMahon School gym will be open for in-person voting on Primary day. The following was her response. "Yes the gym
will be set up. Social distancing is the primary rule. Not
expecting a large turn out as we did over 850 mail ballot requests. Disposable stylus pens for voters to use.
Booths set up 8 ft. apart to allow for social distancing and space to walk
to voting machines. Essentially the setup is spread out throughout the
full gym. 2020 Primary Election The Primary Election in Rhode Island will take place on June 2, 2020. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and implementing social distancing practices, the Presidential Primary on June 2, 2020 will be a predominantly mail ballot election. All registered voters will receive a mail ballot application. For voters who cannot vote by mail and require to vote in person, review the steps below before voting at a polling place. There will be fewer polling places open and it is encouraged to vote my mail.
Bring A Valid Photo ID FY21 Financial Town Meeting The Town Council decided to conduct the FY21 Financial Town Meeting (FTM) on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. In view of the restrictions for gatherings brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the method of conducting the FTM is being studied. Will it be indoors? Outdoors? Electronic? A decision by the Town Council? The decision will be published here as soon as it is made. FY21 Financial Town Meeting The Town Council conducted a special meeting tonight using a Virtual Scenario over the Internet. Until the ban on gatherings of people is lifted, this will be the case for meetings in the foreseeable future as the Corona Virus runs its course. A decision was unanimously made to postpone the annual Financial Town Meeting scheduled May 19th for 60 days. The new date for the Financial Town Meeting is tentatively set for June 29, 2020. There are provisions in the regulations that allow the Town to continue spending under the current FY20 budget structure during the postponement. Hearing: Plastic Bags,
Straws, & Balloons; The Town Council and Planning Board jointly met on August 8, 2019 and conducted an "Informational Hearing" on a draft ordinance seeking to regulate plastic bags, straws, and balloons; and, outdoor lighting. No votes were taken. The comments from the public were very interesting. The meeting lasted approximately 28 minutes. Watch the video below. Financial Town Meeting The 2019 Financial Town Meeting was held on May 21, 2019 for the Fiscal Year 2020 budget. The budget was passed in accordance with the recommendations of the Budget Committee and resulted in a reduction of the Tax Rate by 3-cents. The real estate tax rate for FY20 will be $5.93 per thousand. The meeting lasted 21 minutes and can be seen by clicking below. 2018 Little Compton Election
Results The chart below represents FINAL RESULTS of the November 6th election.
2018 Rhode Island Election
2018 Rhode Island Primary The state of Rhode Island will conduct a primary election for both Democrat and Republican candidates on September 12, 2018. Sample ballots for the Democrats and Republicans can be accessed below. 2018 Financial Town Meeting School Spending Regarding the increase in the school budget despite
declining student head count: The reason for all this increased spending? To protect
teachers and not children. In the election last fall, the voters elected
another "big spender" on the School Committee to add to the two "big
spenders" from the previous election. As long as they hold the majority,
this bad policy and increased cost will continue. In addition, while we pay
the second highest per student cost in Rhode Island of $20,000+, we
now offer non-residents a bargain price of $6,000 per student! Why?
To justify the number of teachers at the school.
That's a real slap in the face to the Little Compton taxpayers and
our children in that school. It is absolutely outrageous! Take a look at
the graph below. It says it all.
Roy Bonner,
LCTA Board Member.
Election Results Candidates seeking office
Ballot Questions
Truck Tolls! Under pressure from the General Assembly, which seems to be leaning in favor of truck tolls, Gov. Raimondo released her first round of locations of the toll gantries. It is not a pretty picture (see Providence Journal map below) understanding that there may be more coming. The members of the House and Senate ought to note the fact that retiring Sen. Ottiano of District 11 (Tiverton & Portsmouth) has been replaced by John Pagliarini Jr. of Tiverton (R) who won by a large margin over James Seveney of Portsmouth (D). Mr. Seveney would not rule out supporting Raimondo's truck tolls while Mr. Pagliarin did rule it out. There is little support amongst the Rhode Island electorate for tolls especially after the Sakonnet River Bridge fiasco and in view of the fact that there are other plans to repair the roads and bridges without tolls and borrowing money (Pay As You Go).
This is a mess of the first order -- the unfunded liabilities from prior
debt and commitments are breathtaking and destructive. The pension
liabilities have gotten worse -- the assumptions include a 7.5% increase in
the trust fund from market investments. This past year alone, it went
DOWN and lost money! That
formula requires increased funding to not only make up for the loss but to
cover current investments. That number will be huge and this will be the
second year they have missed the projection! Town Council The Town Council met on November 19, 2015 to conduct regular business as well as a "Remonstrant's Hearing" during which liquor licenses and entertainment licenses are issued effective December 1, 2015. Included in the entertainment license requests was one for the Sakonnet Vineyards which has been the subject of complaints due to loud outdoor music during the summertime.
The meeting lasted 2-hours, 28-minutes with more than 2-hours devoted to the Sakonnet Vineyards' request. See below.
RI Speaker Mattiello Gave Talk
As part of its Annual Meeting, the Little Compton Taxpayers Association sponsored a talk by House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello at the Community Center on October 1, 2015 at 7:00 PM. It was open to the public. It's Official! The Town Council voted unanimously to adopt
new hours for the town Transfer Station that would be the same all year as
opposed to the current Summer/Winter hours. As of September 1, 2015
the new hours are:
School Superintendent Reappointed The School Committee reappointed Kathy Crowley as School Superintendent for another year. The vote was taken in Executive Session and the outcome was 3-to-2 in favor of the reappointment. Congratulations to Mrs. Crowley.
New Transfer Station Hours The Town Council is considering new hours for the town Transfer Station that would be the same all year as opposed to the current Summer/Winter hours. This is what is being considered:
New Leaders At The School The School Committee replaced Chairperson Polly Allen with committee member Tom Allder as the new Chairperson. The vote was 3-to-2 with Tom Allder, Peg Bugara, and Lori Craffey voting to make Mr. Allder the Chairperson; and, Polly Allen and Patrick McHugh voting to retain Mrs. Allen. Also elected under this reorganization were Lori Craffey as Vice-Chair and Patrick McHugh as Secretary.
The meeting did get a bit nasty for a while and there were 95 people in attendance. But in the end, the reorganization was established and the meeting adjourned. How this will all play out remains to be seen.
PECKHAM LOT The Little Compton Taxpayers Association supports the project to build a modern day soccer field on the Peckham Lot where the portable classrooms were once located, the renovation of the tennis courts, and the construction of "Figure 8" walking path as shown in the sketch below. This project is an fine example of the community coming together to fund a public project with little property tax impact which is a good development because all of those paying the property tax will not use the facilities. We wish to thank the council president Bob Mushen and the Moderator Scott Morrison who have been instrumental leading this effort. The Little Compton Taxpayers Association board members will be making personal donations. Consider making a donation.
Here are some interesting facts about the project.
There is a lot of excavation work
and replacing the clay subsurface with gravel such that rain water no longer
will collect on the surface of the field.
Additionally, the current plan is for the land
to be sloped such that any water run-off will collect at its southwest
corner and piped under Meetinghouse Lane to drainage ditches. The
town of Little Compton approved this project at last May's Town Meeting and
will get a $650,000 package for $62,500 of taxpayer funding.
Our only concerns, however, are as follows:
The concerns stated above will no
doubt be resolved.
This is a worthy project for the town at
minimal cost to the taxpayers.
Should you chose to make a donation, checks
should be made payable to "Town of Little Compton" with the words "Peckham
Lot Project" written in the memo line on
the check.
Mail your donation to: Town of Little Compton (Ballot Questions below) School Committee Candidate
Forum Each candidate will have the opportunity to answer predetermined questions. Following the Forum, refreshments will be served and LC citizens will have an opportunity to speak to each candidate directly. Given that the School budget makes up nearly 2/3 of your tax dollars, it is important that you hear what each candidate has to say as there are 3 positions open with 5 candidates running for them. We have a new Police Chief
Student Population at
Wilbur In our newsletter of May 14, 2014 we said "In the early 1980's, before the 1990 addition to the old building was put on, there were over 500 students in the school." What we should have said was "In the mid-1970's, before the 1990 addition to the old building was put on, there were over 500 students in the school. We also should have said, "In the years prior to the 1973 addition, there were as many as 491 students in the school. There has been some criticism about these numbers. We do not make up such numbers. They came from the school's March 1974 Annual Report (click here to see it). Going back to the 1969/1970 school year, the student population graph is quite revealing. Click here to see the graph. The point is this: The current student population is approximately half of what it was in the mid 1970's when, at that time, the 1973 and 1990 additions had NOT BEEN BUILT YET!
Budget Committee Election At the May 20, 2014 Financial Town Meeting (FTM), an election was held to select two members of the 5-member Budget Committee. The results of the voting is as follows:
Roy Bonner--69
Hilary Woodhouse--61
D. Craig Curtis--48
Al Staebler--38 Congratulations to Jeff Snyder and Bob Goff. Should any member or members of the committee step down, the successor to the position is the next highest vote-getter according to Section 204 of our Town Charter.
Tax Rate up 4.65% As a result of the May 20, 2014 Financial Town Meeting (FTM), the FY15 budget calls for an increase in the tax rate of 4.65%. It could have been much higher had not the various departments and the school gone with a level funded budget. The 4.65% increase can be attributed primarily to the $11.3-Million loan for the school renovation. The Budget Committee and all the Town officials are to be commended for these results. To calculate the impact on your taxes and assuming you have not made any major improvements on your property, multiply your current property tax by 1.0465 and that will be your property tax for FY15 (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015).
5.3% to 5.68% Tax Hike At the May 1, 2014 its 1st Public Hearing of the FY15 budget, the Budget Committee concluded its budget analysis and recommended a tax levy that is 5.3% higher than the current year's levy. Given that the new school loan payments of $850,332 per year (the Town's portion is $510,199) appear for the first time out of a $10,039,732 levy (4.9%), things could have been much worse if the school and municipal budgets increased to their maximum of 4%. The Budget Committee is to be commended for its work. To see the Budget Committee report that will be the basis of voting at the Financial Town Meeting on May 20th, click on the icon below. Note: The requested budget is 5.68% which will become the increased levy if the Budget Committee's recommendations are ignored.
You Want Higher Taxes? At the April 1, 2014 meeting of the Budget Committee, a citizen spoke seeking more money for the school even though the School Committee's current request is the same level of funding as last year's request. She says she wants the taxes to go up and further claims that the summer people also want to pay more taxes!
Click Here to see the actual video of her statements.
Update (4/29/14):
An official of the LCCF has indicated to us that the LCCF has no intention
of either recreating the 2005 FTM nightmare or trying to increase the School
budget at this year's FTM.
With caution, assuming our sources are
wrong, we will take him at his word. However, we are preparing to counter
any other person/group that tries to increase budgets more than the Budget
Committee's recommendation.
School Lowers Its Budget
At its
April 9, 2014 meeting, the Wilbur & McMahon School Committee lowered its
2014/2015 budget request by $252,000 resulting in a level funded budget.
This refers to the Town's portion of the total budget - it will remain the
same next year as the current budget. But because the State's share of
the budget has increased, the total school budget actually increases.
However the taxpayers will not see that increase.
Budget Committee Meeting The School Budget April 1, 2014 The Budget Committee held a meeting to review the Wilbur & McMahon School proposed budget for FY15. Despite a precipitous fall in student enrollment over the years (see article below), the School Committee has asked for a full 4% increase (maximum allowed by law). That will cause problems due to the addition of the school loan in the tax levy for the first time ($510K). It should have added 5% (for a total of 9%) to the levy; however, because of the way the cap is calculated, the Town will only be allowed to increase the levy by 7.1% for FY15. During the meeting, just before Public Input, the chairman of the Budget Committee, Scott Morrison, provided an overview of the effect of the school's 4% request on the rest of the town. To hear Mr. Morrison's overview, click here. The video lasts 7-minutes, 28-seconds.
The School Steps
Wilbur & McMahon School Committee recently conducted two budget workshops
for the 2014/2015 school budget.
Disappointingly, the School Committee and Administration succumbed to
pressure to increase the budget beyond what was originally asked for by
Kathy Crowley, School Superintendent.
Does this make any sense?
Look at the following graph.
It shows
a precipitous drop in student population while the teacher count essentially
stays the same - a slight upward trend in fact.
There is currently a 1st grade class with only 9 students and another
one with only 10 students. Who can say they experienced such a low class
size when they went to school?
Most research defines "small class size" as not more than 20 students.
We don't
know what suddenly got into the School Committee and School Administration,
but this act is reminiscent of a decade ago when the School Committee and
its fraudulent budgets
could not be trusted.
"Padding" and "fat" were the words that described those budgets back
then. The new operative
word today is "cushion". This is
how a huge surplus built up to over $1-Million in the past.
We call it over taxation.
In good faith, the taxpayers approved a bond of $11.3-Million to renovate
the school ($16-Million when including the loan interest for 20-years of
payments). Now, for that
generosity, the School Committee wants even more with a full, unnecessary 4%
increase. That is truly outrageous!
When is it enough?
By its
own admission, the School Administration agrees that Little Compton's class
sizes are the lowest in the state.
The graph on the previous page goes a long way toward explaining why
that is the case.
There is
no question that we have some very good teachers in Little Compton.
We just have too many of them.
There needs to be some staff reductions and the budget needs to go
down, not up! If you go along
with blindly increasing the budget, then be prepared for a tax hike next
year of around
5% will come from the school loan which shows up for the first time.
4% will be the town government and school.
Around 2% will come from a request of $250,000 to make the Peckham
Lot (current location of the portable classroom modules) a top notch sports
field and walking path.
"spend more" crowd does not seem to care.
We urge the Budget Committee to stop this insanity.
Our kids place very high in state testing and leave Wilbur School
with a very good education. We
cannot see how throwing all this unnecessary funding into the school will
change that. The electors at the
Financial Town Meeting should be prepared to level-fund the Schools if the
School Committee and Budget Committee don't (by State law, neither the
Budget Committee nor the Financial Town Meeting (FTM) can fund the schools
less than the prior year).